I Want a Blender
I recently gave the young people in the corps (church) an activity to do. They were given $200.00 (imaginary money of course) and were told to search the advertisements of that week's newspapers and spend the money on anything they wanted. Of course the usual things were selected; ipods, CD players, name brand sneakers. The most unusual item selected was a blender! Of all the things this child could spend her imaginary $200.00 on, she chose a blender. As I inquired the reasoning behind the "purchase", she simply stated, "because I don't have one and I want one." It was just that simple.
Now I could go how about how our children are growing up in a materialistic world and they don't know the value of a dollar or how to work for the things they want. But, in recent days so much talk has gone on about women and ministry, are we ready for the upcoming emergent church, and forgiveness of past and present sins. I think that many times we over evaluate and think too deeply about things. Yes, we need to go beyond the surface and not be superficial, but does it really need to be so hard?! Do we make it more difficult than what it is or needs to be? Or, can it really be just that simple.
I think it goes as simply in the form of loving people. If we love people and it is genuine, we wouldn't need to be having these discussions about equality for women, forgiveness, and what we're doing for the lost generation. It would be demonstrated in the love we SHOW. Heart to God, Hand to Man.
Thank you Laura..now let's get some people to read this!
hey laura,
How is Ellwood City! Hope you are doing well. Hope to see you soon!!
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